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hi, it's kevin. i'm a scruffy white person. in this photo i’m leaning against the doorway of a small building that i know as a séance house. i'm wearing a dark blue knit dress with a bunch of perky little nipples. and i’m wearing a necklace with a metal pendant like a whip kinda and a chunky chain i draped across it higher up. a disco ball earring. a camo cowboy hat. and i’m looking out at a sunset with a part-mischievous, part-hopeful no-teeth smile. a wild dimple appears.
Photo by Cassidy DuHon.

kevin gotkin (they/he) has been dialed into disability worlds since 2012 as an access ecologist, teacher, and researcher. They have been dialed into disability worlds since 2012.

Currently, they are Artist-Organizer with Creatives Rebuild New York. They’ve worked previously as an Organizer with the disability arts ensemble Kinetic Light. In 2016, they co-founded Disability/Arts/NYC with Simi Linton. Their university-based teaching and research includes a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 2018 and a Visiting Assistant Professorship (2018-2021) in NYU’s Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, where they also received their B.S. in 2011. kevin’s performance and curatorial work has been featured most recently at Lincoln Center (An Evening of Access Magic, July 6, 2024), in nightlife shenanigans, and through their weekly newsletter Crip News.

Speaking anti-professionally: They love a good nap, dreaming of ways to introduce oneself that don’t veer right into the stuff that maintains ableism (hustle, credentialing, careerism, and on).